Privacy policy

Troyka Travels uses information collected from its clients and visitors to the Troyka Travels website to enhance the services we offer and to improve visitors’ online experience.

We take personal privacy very seriously. This privacy policy details the personal information we collect about site visitors and the ways we may use that information.


Collecting personal information

Troyka Travels personal information when you submit your Booking Request. The information you provide will be kept confidential and used only to support and improve our relationship with you as a client.


Third party sites

Our privacy policy does not apply to third party sites that you may access from the Troyka Travels site. You should, therefore, ensure that you are familiar with any relevant privacy policy on such sites before entering any personal information.


Changes to our Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is under constant evaluation. Any changes will be posted on this page.


Data Protection Policy

The information you provide on the Troyka Travels website will only be used by Troyka Travels and its authorized agents.

Your information will not be given or sold to any firm or organization not associated with Troyka Travels for any use without your formal consent.


Use of your information

The information you provide on the Troyka Travels website may be held and used by Troyka Travels for market analysis and production of internal reports, for marketing our products and services generally and (subject to any objection or preference you may indicate when submitting your details to us) for sending information to you about our products and services from time to time.


Disclosure of your information

We may disclose your information to other partners of Troyka Travels, our agents and subcontractors, for any of the above purposes. In addition, we may disclose your information as may be required by law, regulation or legal proceedings.


Security Of Collected Information

Troyka Travels maintains electronic and administrative safeguards to protect your personal information from unauthorized or inappropriate access. Troyka Travels servers use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an encryption technology that works with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, Netscape, and AOL's browser, so that only Troyka Travels can read a buyer's personal information. We guarantee that every purchase you make on the Troyka Travels website will be 100% safe.



Troyka Travels welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement; please contact us by Email or postal mail.


We Accept These Payment Methods

Maldives Holidays Payment Methods